Make a New Year Impact: 7 Strategies for Leading BIG
25 Ways to Fuel Leadership,
Collaboration and Innovation

25 Ways to Fuel Leadership, Collaboration and InnovationWe have been inspired and influenced by many of the most admired and respected leaders out there. What we've learned is this: leaders and innovators collaborate like crazy, shake things up, dare to try, and inspire everyone around them to do the same. Are you this kind of leader?

Most revolutionary innovations are a result of people working together to accomplish what others think is impossible. Consider challenging your team to embrace these mottos:
  • Ambitious? Maybe, but not impossible, if we work together!

  • The difficult "we" do immediately, the impossible will take "us" a little longer!

  • Collaboration happens when everyone believes that none of us are as good as all of us.
What if everyone on your team believed in the power of collaboration? What if everyone held each other accountable to working together, what might you accomplish?

Use these ideas to inspire your team to think, do and accomplish more together!
  1. What if everyone reached across functional boundaries in the spirit of service and authentic communication?

  2. What if everyone chose to be accountable for achieving results?

  3. What if everyone took personal responsibility for cutting costs in one area?

  4. What if your team tapped into the intellectual capital of a new online network?

  5. What if everyone committed to learning one new value-added skill every month?

  6. What if your team committed to proving that the organization can't live without them?

  7. What if your team worked together to build a big, bold, unforgettable brand?

  8. What if everyone chose change over comfort and fear of failure?

  9. What if everyone used feedback as a gift (NOT a weapon)?

  10. What if everyone did one fun thing every day to make work more fun?

  11. What if your team created a culture of coaching (not blaming)?

  12. What if everyone replaced complaining with solutions?

  13. What if your team declared war on "yeah, but"?

  14. What if your team dared to try new things?

  15. What if everyone believed their input mattered?

  16. What if everyone came to work to make a difference?

  17. What if your team worked with a purpose to serve?

  18. What if everyone viewed their job as a gift, not an entitlement?

  19. What if your team treated customers as friends, not transactions?

  20. What if everyone looked for ways to encourage instead of find fault?

  21. What if your team became more curious about learning?

  22. What if everyone stood up for what they believe even when it's not popular?

  23. What if your team acted to make the workplace better vs. moaning about what's wrong?

  24. What if everyone was motivated by stretch goals?

  25. What if everyone was up for the challenge of accomplishing the impossible?
Imagine what you'll accomplish and the culture you'll create if everyone commits to bringing these "what ifs" to life. Perhaps the impossible just isn't!

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
PrideStaff - North Dallas